Friday, 15 November 2013

Week 9 - Project : Beyond the surface ( life)

CVS Semester One Project   
Duration: 6 Weeks (5 November – 11 December)
Project Title: Beyond the Surface

‘…digging, into the earth, into the past, into ... personal history and psyche…’ [1]

This project will begin with a trip to The National Museum of Ireland – Country Life, Turlough Park House, Castlebar.

Students are required to gather a body of information that includes a series of drawings and photographs, which will be the foundation of the 6 weeks project. Investigations will explore personal and general histories by developing the gathered information through continuous and evolving studio practice.

During the 6 weeks you will develop a series of visual explorations in 2D and 3D, which will culminate in a final presentation of
·         Research and idea development
·         Sketchbook, maquette’s, drawings
·         One - 2D and One - 3D response

Beyond the Surface Timeline
Week 1 (5-8 Nov)
·         Visit Turlough House, gathering of drawings, photographs, information etc. at Museum
·         Develop Mind Map/s
·         1 Large scale drawing / minimum A3 – (2D exploration of the object / subject)
·         Discussion seminar
·         Studio response to visit

Week 2 (11-15 Nov)
·         Identify the potential of gathered source material collected
·         Exploring various visual strands derived from material collected
·         Artist research – Contemporary and historical

Week 3 (18-22 Nov)
Review – at this stage of the project you are expected to present the following
·         Mind map
·         Series of large scale drawings
·         1 maquette – 3D exploration of the object / subject
·         Minimum of 30 pages in sketchbook
·         Selection of photographs printed for reference
·         6 Artists identified as relevant to your investigation

Week 4 (25-29 Nov)
·         Refining ideas and materials
·         Planning for resolution of final pieces

Week 5 (2-6 Dec)
·         Resolve and prepare for presentation and exhibition following week
·         Artist statement

Week 6 (9-13 Dec)
·         Exhibition – 9th – 11th December- (Opening on Tuesday 10th) Exhibit your work accompanied by a short artistic statement describing title, origins, influences, choice of materials and narrative.
Key Words- Art, Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Transformations
Some artists you may wish to look at Phil Collins, Moyra Davey, Tacita Dean, Stan Douglas, Joachim Koester, Deimantas Narkevicius, Anri Sala, Hito Steyerl, Ana Torfs, Cyprien Gaillard, Daniel Knorr, Michael Rakowitz, Simon Starling, Mariana Castillo Deball,  Jean-Luc Moulène,  Robert Smithson, Jason Lazarus, Tony Tasset, Shellburne Thurber and Kate Morrell.
Mark Dion – the Tate Dig
The Boyle Family -
Richard Tuttle: Art & Life | Art21 "Exclusive
Yinka Shonibare MBE: Being an Artist | Art21 "Exclusive

[1] Overlay – contemporary art and art of prehistory
 Lucy R. Lippard, Pantheon Books, NY 1983 ISBN 0394711459

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Week 8 Applied Colour

On Tuesday the learners did the gouache reproduction of skin tones from magazine/newspaper image and in afternoon they created a self portrait in the manner of an artist whose work they researched.
On Wednesday they will create a colour colour in mixed media depicting the object that they built in Spatial Dynamics week.
On Friday the Counrty Life Project will be introduced in the morning.

Week 7 Colour etc. video -"sped up painting - just one in a thousand"

Friday, 18 October 2013

Week 6 Texture - Friday 18/10/13 examples of invented texture

Week 7 - Colour

Week 7 – Colour

Tuesday – 9.30 – 5
Media – Gouache

Tools – Brushes, quills, sticks, pens, cleaning rag, white palette, water jar.
·         Intro on colour mixing
·         3D set up / view finder – leads to 1 page – A3  - 3 x 20cm boxes
Tonal pencil texture observation / gauche observation / collage observation.
Learners use solid colour objects to create still-life which is then rendered using criteria as above. 

Wednesday – 9.30 – 12.30
Workshop to be created – One A 3 sheet – 3 - 20cm boxes – A tonal, A colour and A collage section.
Breakdown time into 3 sections.
·         Mineral / beer can – squash it
·         Collage the can with papers 

Friday – 9.30 – 3
·         Self portrait using  mirror - aspects of days 1 and 2 - A3 sheet
·         Weaker hand, contour drawing, haptic drawings per example.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Week 6   Simulating /Inventing Texture
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Media - Pencil, pen, Ink, paint, various pencils, rubbers etc.

Day 1/2/3
·         Bring in objects – simulated / invented/ textured organic object, shiny metal object and soft objects.
·         The emphasis in this workshop will be on investigating real, illusionistic and simulated texture as a means of investigating, understanding and visually communicating texture in the experienced world.
·         At the end of the day the learner will have a minimum of six drawings demonstrating real, illusionistic and implied texture.

·         Will have experimented with a range of materials and become more familiar with their visual qualities

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Week 5 Brown Bags

Week 5 – Brown bags in groups – shadows with lighting
Tuesday – 9.30 - 5
Media – Paper, pencil, charcoal, ink, gouache.
Tools – Pencils, brushes, quills, sticks, pens, palette, cleaning rag, water jar. 

Brown Paper Bags arranged in grids and/or randomly, present a range of compositions that allow for recording/ examination of Line, Shape, Tone leading to Form. Rhythm, pattern and Variation are also observed.
9.30 – 12.30
·         Pencil is used.
1.30 – 5.00
 Charcoal is used.

Wednesday – 9.30 – 12.30
Media – Ink

Brown Paper Bags arranged in grids and/or randomly, present a range of compositions that allow for recording/ examination of Line, Shape, Tone leading to Form. Rhythm, pattern and Variation are also observed.
·         Ink wash and ink drawing

 Friday – 9.30 – 3
Media – Gouache
Tools – Brushes, quills, sticks, pens, cleaning rag, white palette, water jar. 
Brown Paper Bags arranged in grids and/or randomly, present a range of compositions that allow for recording/ examination of Line, Shape, Tone leading to Form. Rhythm, pattern and Variation are also observed.      

·         Colour introduced - how to mix and apply using separate brushes, how to lay out sheet , how to record tests on sheet and how to use view finder to isolate and identify colours
·         Afternoon seminar – work on the wall and discussion. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Fabric Of Britain S01E02

Week 4 Drawing Basics: Value Scale

This is another blo that describes tonal scale well
Drawing Basics: Value Scale

Week 4-Tonal Value through Drawing CVS Oct.1 - Oct. 4 2013

WEEK 4- Tonal Value through Drawing
Week 4 – Day 1/2/3 – Value through Drawing
Media & Tools – Ink ,wash, charcoal, paper, pencil, brushes, putty rubber, tonal scale, palette, water jar, rags.
Value/tone is investigated through the act of drawing.
White objects such as spheres, cubes and pyramids are observed and value is recorded using media in flat broad areas without being first delineated. A tonal scale made from the same media as being used, is a very useful tool for identifying the tonal value of the actual object being depicted. 
In addition, the same structures from week 3 are investigated using drawing media such as ink wash, charcoal and pencil in the manner.

Observational drawings are created which should be tonal rather than shapes filled with tone.

Self-directed Study_
In your CVS notebook, record the exercise described by John :- draw a open carton of eggs, attempting to capture their distinct tonal differences. Use different media each time. Then remove the eggs and arrange on firstly a white surface, then gray and finally black each time attempting to make a convincing depiction.
Make a tonal scale from the media that you are using.Use this scale to match tone to actual colour of the objects you are observing and then use the scale to compare the accuracy of your drawing study.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Week 3 -Wednesday 25th

Today we set up the viewfinder and the students did a series of line drawings using the sculptures as subjects . For friday they will need to have a range  of materials .

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 1 (1972)

David Hockney's Secret Knowledge - Part Two (BBC Documentary)

David Hockney's Secret Knowledge - Part One (BBC Documentary) (+playlist)

Week 3 Observational Drawing Sept 24- 27 2013

 Week 3 - Observational Drawing
Tuesday – 9.30 - 5
Media - Paper, pencil, ink, charcoal.
Tools – Pen, brush, quill etc.
This week is dedicated to observational and gestural drawing.
Using a wide variety of media and drawing tools, learners will initially begin with observational drawings using grouped arrangements of the 3D structures created in Week 2. Contrasting lighting will be used to cast shadow and negative space etc. will be examined.
 Wed. 9.30- 12.30
Media as above
Using the Viewfinder

Week 2 Spatial Dynamics Friday Sept 20 2013

The learners spent the morning drawing from the £D constructions made on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. They worked in Line and Shape. The scale was 2:1.
In the afternoon, Drawing from Life  and a Lecture/PP on Elements and Principles of Art & Design.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Week 1-music4art Wednesday Sept 11 2013

Day 2
Media – card
Tools- punch, scalpel

1.     O Superman          8.24     Laurie Anderson         card punching etc.
2.     Come Out 7.19     Steve Reich                 card punching etc.
3.     Firefly Yelli 1        1.37     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
4.     Firefly Yelli 2        1.59     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
5.     Midnight Yelli       1.05     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
6.     Port na bPucai       27.35  Martin Hayes
& Dennis Cahill          card punching etc.
7.     Jimi Hendrix


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Week 2 Tuesday


ILLUSIONAL SPACE - The appearance of depth, height, and width on a two-dimensional surface. Pictorial Space /2d space and how we use or represent it is based on our common visual experience of the world
Overlapping forms
Foreground, middle ground and background
Relative position - Placement
Size or scale
These techniques create the appearance of depth, height and width (the illusion of space) on planar surfaces and thus allow artists to represent three dimensions on a two-dimensional ground. In these spaces movement and time are implied or illusory.
Actual movement and time brings us into the area of real space
REAL SPACE - An expanse of three-dimensionality (maybe 4D) in which objects and events occur.
Actual Space

How can we achieve this?
EXERCISE- Take a dot and project it into space - think about vertical, horizontal and diagonals.
Media - matchsticks , stirring sticks , corks . Tools - glue-gun , knife .

- exercise - to create gravity structure - the learner will attempt to build an object that investigates the effects of gravity on material and structure - build a free standing tower or bridge . Must be sturdy to be moved .

For wed they are asked to bring 2 boxes of matches    

Monday, 16 September 2013

Art Hard (Trailer)

FOLI (there is no movement without rhythm) original version by Thomas Ro...

Week 1 - music4art -Honda 'Choir' TV advert

Week 1- music4art Day 3 Friday 13 2013

This session was started by John who got the learners to write notes and do drawings whilst listening to Classical music- Adigio./ / Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky with the last 10 min of this being listening only. These notes, drawings and memories were then responded to with the creation of a "dynamic composition" using dot, line and shape with the media being pencil, charcoal etc. on paper.
After lunch we first played 3 minutes of a field recording from/of the Scottish coastline in which the echoing of seagulls becomes very rhythmic. Is this music? Differing responses.
Then they listened to the Honda car ad but i didn't blank out the first few seconds which announce what it is that they are listening to. Is this music? Differing responses but raised the question why manmade music doesn't simply reflect environmental sounds.
Now showed the video of the Honda Ad and this was a very different experience.
"Foli there is no movement without rhythm" was then shown as an example of the possible origins of music and thus by extension the visual expressive process.
A quick Powerpoint on markmaking showing the evolution of markmaking from non-figurative to figurative back to non-figurative and then finished the week with a film on Jim Denevan.
Aidan Linehan.

Day 3
Media- ink, pencil, pen
Tools- pencil, brush, eyes and ears
8.     Adagio                               Classical Chillout        note taking and sketching
9.                                                                            note taking and sketching
10. Pictures at an Exhibition   32.25  Mussorgsky    as above but with last 10 min listening only then develop a 2d artwork using dot, line and shape only in response to music listened to.
11.Sea Inlet Scotland  3.01       A Year in Wild Britain               listen & discuss
12.HondaCar ad           2.09    Hollywood Film Chorale                    audio only
 Sound Effect Choir                     listen & discuss
on YouTube                           
13. as above but visual shown this time                     discussion
14.Foli there is no movement without rhythm           Youtube  watch and listen.
15. Jim Denevan                     Video on Youtube       watch and listen.