Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Week 4-Tonal Value through Drawing CVS Oct.1 - Oct. 4 2013

WEEK 4- Tonal Value through Drawing
Week 4 – Day 1/2/3 – Value through Drawing
Media & Tools – Ink ,wash, charcoal, paper, pencil, brushes, putty rubber, tonal scale, palette, water jar, rags.
Value/tone is investigated through the act of drawing.
White objects such as spheres, cubes and pyramids are observed and value is recorded using media in flat broad areas without being first delineated. A tonal scale made from the same media as being used, is a very useful tool for identifying the tonal value of the actual object being depicted. 
In addition, the same structures from week 3 are investigated using drawing media such as ink wash, charcoal and pencil in the manner.

Observational drawings are created which should be tonal rather than shapes filled with tone.

Self-directed Study_
In your CVS notebook, record the exercise described by John :- draw a open carton of eggs, attempting to capture their distinct tonal differences. Use different media each time. Then remove the eggs and arrange on firstly a white surface, then gray and finally black each time attempting to make a convincing depiction.
Make a tonal scale from the media that you are using.Use this scale to match tone to actual colour of the objects you are observing and then use the scale to compare the accuracy of your drawing study.

1 comment:

  1. Start session with ink wash tone studies before moving on to Colour.
