Monday, 16 September 2013

Week 1- music4art Day 3 Friday 13 2013

This session was started by John who got the learners to write notes and do drawings whilst listening to Classical music- Adigio./ / Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky with the last 10 min of this being listening only. These notes, drawings and memories were then responded to with the creation of a "dynamic composition" using dot, line and shape with the media being pencil, charcoal etc. on paper.
After lunch we first played 3 minutes of a field recording from/of the Scottish coastline in which the echoing of seagulls becomes very rhythmic. Is this music? Differing responses.
Then they listened to the Honda car ad but i didn't blank out the first few seconds which announce what it is that they are listening to. Is this music? Differing responses but raised the question why manmade music doesn't simply reflect environmental sounds.
Now showed the video of the Honda Ad and this was a very different experience.
"Foli there is no movement without rhythm" was then shown as an example of the possible origins of music and thus by extension the visual expressive process.
A quick Powerpoint on markmaking showing the evolution of markmaking from non-figurative to figurative back to non-figurative and then finished the week with a film on Jim Denevan.
Aidan Linehan.

Day 3
Media- ink, pencil, pen
Tools- pencil, brush, eyes and ears
8.     Adagio                               Classical Chillout        note taking and sketching
9.                                                                            note taking and sketching
10. Pictures at an Exhibition   32.25  Mussorgsky    as above but with last 10 min listening only then develop a 2d artwork using dot, line and shape only in response to music listened to.
11.Sea Inlet Scotland  3.01       A Year in Wild Britain               listen & discuss
12.HondaCar ad           2.09    Hollywood Film Chorale                    audio only
 Sound Effect Choir                     listen & discuss
on YouTube                           
13. as above but visual shown this time                     discussion
14.Foli there is no movement without rhythm           Youtube  watch and listen.
15. Jim Denevan                     Video on Youtube       watch and listen.


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