Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Week 2 Tuesday


ILLUSIONAL SPACE - The appearance of depth, height, and width on a two-dimensional surface. Pictorial Space /2d space and how we use or represent it is based on our common visual experience of the world
Overlapping forms
Foreground, middle ground and background
Relative position - Placement
Size or scale
These techniques create the appearance of depth, height and width (the illusion of space) on planar surfaces and thus allow artists to represent three dimensions on a two-dimensional ground. In these spaces movement and time are implied or illusory.
Actual movement and time brings us into the area of real space
REAL SPACE - An expanse of three-dimensionality (maybe 4D) in which objects and events occur.
Actual Space

How can we achieve this?
EXERCISE- Take a dot and project it into space - think about vertical, horizontal and diagonals.
Media - matchsticks , stirring sticks , corks . Tools - glue-gun , knife .

- exercise - to create gravity structure - the learner will attempt to build an object that investigates the effects of gravity on material and structure - build a free standing tower or bridge . Must be sturdy to be moved .

For wed they are asked to bring 2 boxes of matches    

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