Tuesday, 9 October 2012

CVS Week 5 Colour

On Monday a  PP was shown re colour and a handout was given to students.
A grayscale made from students own black (achromatic) was attempted. There should be a mid-tone cruciform overlying the scale.
 The black is mixed first and then a scale is produced by adding increasing amounts of white pigment until a 11 point scale results. The midpoint(6) is then used in the cruciform.
On Tuesday the exercise using a colour photo from a magazine reproducing the range of (Caucasian?) flesh tones was attempted. This should have been a strip cut from the magazine, pasted wrong ways up and the accompanying same size replica colour study in gouache placed underneath with a 2cm gap.
Mixes should be done on a clean white palette and applied to the same ground (paper), offered up to the image, applied to the replica study and recorded as an annotated colour swatch on the same page.
The purpose of this exercise is to identify a range of hues, tones, tints and shades in the flat photo image  and to match them by mixing gouache pigment.
If a 2cm grid is superimposed on top of the photo image and this grid acts as a framework , then each vector should be treated as a solid block(square) of colour where the predominant hue is identified and used.
  On Day two, a still life set up using fruit of a solid colour, a reflective surface and coloured  textile are used with a viewfinder in attempting to translate from the actual to the illusionistic. Texture and form are repressed in favour of preceived colour. In the afternoon a collage depicting a crushed soft drink can is created  using  foound colour from magazines. This should be life size or maximum twice as large.

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