Wednesday, 17 September 2014

CVS 2014 Week 1- Tuesday September 9

The first week of Studio practise was introduced by adapting the LIS (Learning & Innovation Skills- formally known as L2L)  challenge to our own needs by using Music/Sound as a medium through which the learners are made aware of the various modes mechanisms of observation.
As in previous years, the Learners responded to the Sonic experience through mark-making on paper, cardboard, ink using pencil, biro, brushes and nails.
The music this year was-
 Day 1- Tuesday Sept 9
Drumming - Steve Reich- listen, contemplate and then write one word on a number of Post-its which were then put up on the noticeboard and the Learners choose ones which they thought conveyed what they had heard.
"Spiegel I'm Spiegel" - Arvo Part- direct response using ink wash on paper
"            "     "              "       "     revisit with notion of memory .
"Hado" - Amina Aloui -
"Kalimankoudenkov "- Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares -  one drawing whilst listening to the tw contrasting  pieces.
"On Silence "- John Cage-YouTube- discussion afterwards on what is noise/sound/music.
"May-Sea Inlet"- listen and discussion on perception, experiential learning.
"Honda Car Ad"-YouTube- listen and further discussion on differentiation between "music" and "noise" and "sound".
"John's Book of Alleged Dances"- Kronos Quartet- biro on card.
"Ivan"- Francois Couturier- using two hands ,2 biros/pencils on card.
"Ttukunak, improvisação em 3 Txalapartas"- Gomez Sisters on YouTube - 2 nails on card.
"Prized(Open)"- Trihornophone- This and the next piece are reworked card.
"Ardal one Alpha"- Hakon Kornstad-Make/Break/Remake- previously worked card is reworked.
Disussion on "the products of Process" and on creative processes that don't produce products ( but which can be documented) therefore they are Experiential i.e. Theatre, Dance, Music, Performance which lead on to
Akio Suzuki- YouTube video and finally
Foli- YouTube video.

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