Thursday, 26 September 2013

Week 3 -Wednesday 25th

Today we set up the viewfinder and the students did a series of line drawings using the sculptures as subjects . For friday they will need to have a range  of materials .

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 1 (1972)

David Hockney's Secret Knowledge - Part Two (BBC Documentary)

David Hockney's Secret Knowledge - Part One (BBC Documentary) (+playlist)

Week 3 Observational Drawing Sept 24- 27 2013

 Week 3 - Observational Drawing
Tuesday – 9.30 - 5
Media - Paper, pencil, ink, charcoal.
Tools – Pen, brush, quill etc.
This week is dedicated to observational and gestural drawing.
Using a wide variety of media and drawing tools, learners will initially begin with observational drawings using grouped arrangements of the 3D structures created in Week 2. Contrasting lighting will be used to cast shadow and negative space etc. will be examined.
 Wed. 9.30- 12.30
Media as above
Using the Viewfinder

Week 2 Spatial Dynamics Friday Sept 20 2013

The learners spent the morning drawing from the £D constructions made on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. They worked in Line and Shape. The scale was 2:1.
In the afternoon, Drawing from Life  and a Lecture/PP on Elements and Principles of Art & Design.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Week 1-music4art Wednesday Sept 11 2013

Day 2
Media – card
Tools- punch, scalpel

1.     O Superman          8.24     Laurie Anderson         card punching etc.
2.     Come Out 7.19     Steve Reich                 card punching etc.
3.     Firefly Yelli 1        1.37     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
4.     Firefly Yelli 2        1.59     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
5.     Midnight Yelli       1.05     Baka in the Forest       card punching etc.
6.     Port na bPucai       27.35  Martin Hayes
& Dennis Cahill          card punching etc.
7.     Jimi Hendrix


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Week 2 Tuesday


ILLUSIONAL SPACE - The appearance of depth, height, and width on a two-dimensional surface. Pictorial Space /2d space and how we use or represent it is based on our common visual experience of the world
Overlapping forms
Foreground, middle ground and background
Relative position - Placement
Size or scale
These techniques create the appearance of depth, height and width (the illusion of space) on planar surfaces and thus allow artists to represent three dimensions on a two-dimensional ground. In these spaces movement and time are implied or illusory.
Actual movement and time brings us into the area of real space
REAL SPACE - An expanse of three-dimensionality (maybe 4D) in which objects and events occur.
Actual Space

How can we achieve this?
EXERCISE- Take a dot and project it into space - think about vertical, horizontal and diagonals.
Media - matchsticks , stirring sticks , corks . Tools - glue-gun , knife .

- exercise - to create gravity structure - the learner will attempt to build an object that investigates the effects of gravity on material and structure - build a free standing tower or bridge . Must be sturdy to be moved .

For wed they are asked to bring 2 boxes of matches    

Monday, 16 September 2013

Art Hard (Trailer)

FOLI (there is no movement without rhythm) original version by Thomas Ro...

Week 1 - music4art -Honda 'Choir' TV advert

Week 1- music4art Day 3 Friday 13 2013

This session was started by John who got the learners to write notes and do drawings whilst listening to Classical music- Adigio./ / Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky with the last 10 min of this being listening only. These notes, drawings and memories were then responded to with the creation of a "dynamic composition" using dot, line and shape with the media being pencil, charcoal etc. on paper.
After lunch we first played 3 minutes of a field recording from/of the Scottish coastline in which the echoing of seagulls becomes very rhythmic. Is this music? Differing responses.
Then they listened to the Honda car ad but i didn't blank out the first few seconds which announce what it is that they are listening to. Is this music? Differing responses but raised the question why manmade music doesn't simply reflect environmental sounds.
Now showed the video of the Honda Ad and this was a very different experience.
"Foli there is no movement without rhythm" was then shown as an example of the possible origins of music and thus by extension the visual expressive process.
A quick Powerpoint on markmaking showing the evolution of markmaking from non-figurative to figurative back to non-figurative and then finished the week with a film on Jim Denevan.
Aidan Linehan.

Day 3
Media- ink, pencil, pen
Tools- pencil, brush, eyes and ears
8.     Adagio                               Classical Chillout        note taking and sketching
9.                                                                            note taking and sketching
10. Pictures at an Exhibition   32.25  Mussorgsky    as above but with last 10 min listening only then develop a 2d artwork using dot, line and shape only in response to music listened to.
11.Sea Inlet Scotland  3.01       A Year in Wild Britain               listen & discuss
12.HondaCar ad           2.09    Hollywood Film Chorale                    audio only
 Sound Effect Choir                     listen & discuss
on YouTube                           
13. as above but visual shown this time                     discussion
14.Foli there is no movement without rhythm           Youtube  watch and listen.
15. Jim Denevan                     Video on Youtube       watch and listen.


Friday, 13 September 2013

Week 1 - music4art- Reich - Drumming - Mvt. 1

Week 1- music4art- Tuesday Sept 10 2013

In this first week CVS is introduced through making marks whilst responding to music & sound.

Rational :- to break down pre-conceptions with reference to cultural expectation of visuality through the use of analogy and metaphor (basic visual elements having sonic equivalents).
The majority of  these learners are culturally conditioned to accept orchestrated/organised sound which does not immediately or directly mimic, imitate or echo environmental ( natural and man-made) sounds as  "music"  yet this same culture expects its visual manifestations to be definitive, descriptive and literal ( representational, figurative, illusionistic), to have narrative and conclusions.
By creating a studio workshop where "music" and sound emanate from outside their cultural mainstream is carefully listened to, the learner may experience a sonic space which removes them further and further from the familiar and predictable. By responding to this aural exploration with a visual mechanical activity that confines itself to elemental mark-making (dot &line), the learner will be engaged with the fundamental and basic origins of visual making, a visual tabula rasa.
Perceived levels of skill are challenged in these exercises where an educational parity of esteem is endeavored.
From this blank slate the learners will go on to explore and develop both their skills and understanding.
Each episode of Music/Sound is accompanied by an activity- active listening with mark-making or active listening without mark-making. Group discussion and response is a vital part of this first immersive experience.

We started again with listening to Steve Reich's "Drumming Part 1" and this was followed by discussion on what visual imagery, emotional response etc was experienced.
Then working with diluted black emulsion on paper using brushes and sticks, the learners responded to Part's "Spiegel im Spiegel".
"Hado" by Amina Aloui and "Kali... " were first listened to, then a visual response was made whilst re-listening.
A discussion on difference between the two pieces followed.
"Save That" by Eric Satie followed as they responded on first listen.
"John Cage on Silence" video was shown and a brief discussion before "4.33" was shown followed by lively discussion.

Day 1
Media – paper, ink
Tools – soft-hair brushes, palette, water jar, cotton rag, sticks, twigs.

Music              Time                Composer-Performer                          Activity

1.Drumming I-            17.30   Steve Reich                 listen, visualize, discuss.   
2.Spiegel im Spiegel - 10.22    Arvo Part                    dot & line / ink wash on paper.
3.Hado -                      1.55     Amina Alouia                                                  listen only.
4.Kalimankoudenkov -5.10     LeMystereDesVoixBulgares                           listen only.
5.repeat of no.3              as in 2. but now informed by previous listening                                                                                               
6.repeat of no.4             as in 2. but now informed by previous listening
7.Save That -               3.12     Erik Satie                                 continuous mark on paper
8. On Silence               4.17     John Cage   on Youtube                      listen & discuss.
9. 4.33                         4.33     performed by William Marx watch & discuss