Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Drawing Group A Week 2

In this second session Group A continued their exploration of line and dot, using ink wash to response to music.
Then we moved on to Shape (Circles, triangles and squares) and the compositional possibilities therein. Outline and solid were compared and the relevant principles were identified and examined.

1 comment:

  1. Colour week one, gave them a presentation on colour and then made a start on the 12 section colour wheel with mixing complementaries into the centre. Week 2 compleated the wheel and got the ones that finished to mix chromatic blacks and then create grays with the mixes.

    LIS... Got the students to use mind mapping and to work together on creating absurd career paths. Some very creative ideas were proposed and with suggestions like 'pencil whisper', 'unicorn travel' and 'deep sea painter'.

    Drawing. Fergus gave an excellent presentation on drawing and afterwards students did gray scales and explored line weight and placement.
