Have divided the students into four groups 1-4 and also assigned tutors I will email the groups and an attendance sheet template and you can sort it out. it will be each lecturer's responsibility to take attendances for the modules and classes they teach and file that attendance weekly in the office I will sort out a folder.
Working on the project brief which has a working title of Urban Fabric and the Metropolis which should allow for plenty of scope. I hope that we can introduce on Monday afternoon in the one hour CVS slot which should allow for plenty of scope. The brief will be straight forward with an emphasis on imagination, creativity and exploration: As weel as the learning outcomes for CVS the aims to include
1 – Gather learners into a shared work environment where they can inquire both individually and together and create work in the attempt to penetrate a shared theme.
2 – To work within a framework and display the findings of this ongoing exploration
3 – To create exhibits. (To this extent we will have a curated exhibition of year one work in the Hall space and Cluain Mhuire Hall from 12 - 16 December - probally set up Monday and Tuesday and launch on Wednesday remove on Friday)
4 -Allow lecturers to create, develop and deliver workshops and tutorials which facilitates the above
I'm going to show this at the start as an intro
then introduce the brief with a few more visuals for example
If you have stuff please send on but bear in mind it is a 1 hour slot so it may be the case that some of you might what to give your own presentation as a means of developing the brief and adding feul to the fire!!!!
Weather permitting we hope to get off campus next Tuesday and Wednesday and possibly Friday to begin the process of gathering data.
Regarding workshops-we need to begin the week of 3 October. If your tutorial group has life-drawing on any given week then you are free on the Tuesday and Wednesday to deliver workshops unless you teach life-drawing (Lynne and I are doing that)
Okay kiddies hope to see you all at he Norman Villa's soon
john L
Great stuff ....Ill read again later as been busy ...moodleing ...We are up and running so the more infor the better . I have CVS loaded with handbook , life drawing rota and group lists . There is a calender , events etc and news forum so we need .. or i need to be updating it all the time .. send on any info you have .!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat was Lynne ....in case ye thought there was another technical goddess on the first year staff !!