Friday, 15 November 2013

Week 9 - Project : Beyond the surface ( life)

CVS Semester One Project   
Duration: 6 Weeks (5 November – 11 December)
Project Title: Beyond the Surface

‘…digging, into the earth, into the past, into ... personal history and psyche…’ [1]

This project will begin with a trip to The National Museum of Ireland – Country Life, Turlough Park House, Castlebar.

Students are required to gather a body of information that includes a series of drawings and photographs, which will be the foundation of the 6 weeks project. Investigations will explore personal and general histories by developing the gathered information through continuous and evolving studio practice.

During the 6 weeks you will develop a series of visual explorations in 2D and 3D, which will culminate in a final presentation of
·         Research and idea development
·         Sketchbook, maquette’s, drawings
·         One - 2D and One - 3D response

Beyond the Surface Timeline
Week 1 (5-8 Nov)
·         Visit Turlough House, gathering of drawings, photographs, information etc. at Museum
·         Develop Mind Map/s
·         1 Large scale drawing / minimum A3 – (2D exploration of the object / subject)
·         Discussion seminar
·         Studio response to visit

Week 2 (11-15 Nov)
·         Identify the potential of gathered source material collected
·         Exploring various visual strands derived from material collected
·         Artist research – Contemporary and historical

Week 3 (18-22 Nov)
Review – at this stage of the project you are expected to present the following
·         Mind map
·         Series of large scale drawings
·         1 maquette – 3D exploration of the object / subject
·         Minimum of 30 pages in sketchbook
·         Selection of photographs printed for reference
·         6 Artists identified as relevant to your investigation

Week 4 (25-29 Nov)
·         Refining ideas and materials
·         Planning for resolution of final pieces

Week 5 (2-6 Dec)
·         Resolve and prepare for presentation and exhibition following week
·         Artist statement

Week 6 (9-13 Dec)
·         Exhibition – 9th – 11th December- (Opening on Tuesday 10th) Exhibit your work accompanied by a short artistic statement describing title, origins, influences, choice of materials and narrative.
Key Words- Art, Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Transformations
Some artists you may wish to look at Phil Collins, Moyra Davey, Tacita Dean, Stan Douglas, Joachim Koester, Deimantas Narkevicius, Anri Sala, Hito Steyerl, Ana Torfs, Cyprien Gaillard, Daniel Knorr, Michael Rakowitz, Simon Starling, Mariana Castillo Deball,  Jean-Luc Moulène,  Robert Smithson, Jason Lazarus, Tony Tasset, Shellburne Thurber and Kate Morrell.
Mark Dion – the Tate Dig
The Boyle Family -
Richard Tuttle: Art & Life | Art21 "Exclusive
Yinka Shonibare MBE: Being an Artist | Art21 "Exclusive

[1] Overlay – contemporary art and art of prehistory
 Lucy R. Lippard, Pantheon Books, NY 1983 ISBN 0394711459